Beavers Live:...

Beavers Live:
(In English for -fenpoca- Paco.)

Beavers build and maintain houses known as lodges. There are two main types, the conical (or dome) lodge and the bank lodge. The most common type is the conical lodge which is surrounded by the water. The beavers build this type of lodge from the inside out using mud, grass, and branches. The bank lodge is typically excavated into the bank of a large stream, river, or lake, because the water is too deep or fast moving to build the conical lodge. It is made from sticks, mud and rocks.
One of the primary reasons beavers build their lodges is for protection from animals, such as wolves, foxes, and otters. Most predators discover it´s too difficult to break through the complex network of branches and mud. Each lodge contains at least two underwater tunnels leading from the main chamber to the pond so the beavers can enter and exit the lodge without being seen by animals and large birds.
Within each lodge beavers hollow out a main chamber where they sleep, eat, groom each other, and the baby kits are born and nursed each spring. The bedding's of grasses, reeds and wood chips are changed regularly. In order to breathe fresh air, beavers do not apply mud to the peak of the lodge. Hence, they create a ventilation shaft. On a very cold winter day, look very closely and you may see the beaver's breath escaping from this peak!
This will be my last writing about the beavers. I hope you have enjoyed the information.